Limber Ladies

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Do all your team members have great flexibility?

Sure every club has one or two flexible girls but what's your plan to get all the girls in the team up to scratch when it comes to flexibility. Many coaches I have spoken with admit it's hard to fit in a comprehensive warm up each training session with the number of items they have to prepare but unfortunately with flexibility there are NO SHORT CUTS. We do however have a great program developed from Rhythmic Gymnastics Training Methods which can be segmented into parts and included on different training days during the week. Definitely Splits and Supersplits are exercises that have to be included in every session and held to time with a stop watch but other exercises can be rotated over the week or fortnight such as Kicks, Partner Stretches, Leap Drills, Handstand Preparations etc

Above Rhythmic Gymnast and International Performer Lauren Skopal who developed the FLEX-PRO Method. 

Congratulations to our 2017 FLEX-PRO Clubs!

We commend your dedication to keeping up to date with the latest flexibility training methods