Flexibility training, a fun way to exersice
Flexibility training was never so much fun until now. Limber Sports Performance flexibility specialist Lauren Skopal has given Calisthenics Crown a twist with her Flexi-Calisthenics program. Not only do the club members receive an structure workshop but they also get a progressive way into gaining and becoming more flexible!
Junior's team preparing their splits while corrections hips posture
Calisthenics is a serious and demanding sport when it comes to being the best in competition. Flexi-Calisthenics offers the participants the opportunity to learn an adequate preparation warm up to avoid getting injured during training and teaches proper flexibility drills to achieve goals if done on a regular basis
Subbiers team warming up their back before learning back bends
During the workshop, the kids learn how to prepare their body limbs to avoid injuries while de developing moves such as middle splits, walk-overs and elbow stands